Frog Street Pre-K is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum program that integrates instruction across key developmental domains and early learning disciplines.Frog Street, a subsidiary of Excelligence Learning Corporation, is a leading provider of comprehensive early childhood education solutions to public schools, Head Start programs and early child care centers, with a focus on children from birth to age 5. Frog Street's curriculum programs are based on early brain research and provide intentional age-appropriate instruction that is aligned to both federal and state standards.

Khan Academy Kids is a free, fun, educational program designed to inspire young children to become learners for life. The robust Khan Academy Kids curriculum and original content make learning engaging and fun for children ages two to seven. While most early learning apps focus on a narrow skill, our free program contains a breadth of learning materials across math, language arts, and social-emotional learning, aligned to the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework and Common Core.